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78 Rating: Triporteur Bling Bling Imperial King by B.O.M. Brewery

January, 2018
Judges Rating: 
19 / 24
5 / 6
32 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
14 / 20

Triporteur Bling Bling Imperial King from the B.O.M. Brewery is being evaluated as a Belgian Golden Strong Ale (category 25C of the 2015 BJCP Beer Style Guidelines). Belgian Golden Strong Ales are noted for their deceptive strength, light color and complex malt profile as well as prominent yeast-derived citrusy esters and peppery phenolics with an occasional complement from hops.

B.O.M. Brewery (which stands for Belgian Original Malt Bakery and Brewery) roasts their own malt using a converted coffee roaster less than 24 hours before brew day. B.O.M. Brewery brews a number of typical Belgian styles each with their own unique take and freshly roasted malt.

This beer pours a dark golden with slight haze and a big, fluffy white head. The aroma is moderate floral hops with a nutty and biscuity malt and absent phenolics. The medium body is moderately carbonated and slightly warming with a strong malt profile that's focused on nutty, bready flavors but with an oddly burnt caramel character. Light spicy phenolics, alcohol, and citrusy hops add balance. The finish is moderately strong in bitterness with a lingering bready and burnt caramel maltiness.

This is quite an innovative beer, but it is quite malty for the style. Regardless of the style guidelines, the odd burnt caramel detracts. If you're really into Belgian beers or unusual malt profiles, seek out and try this beer for its unusual character. but, if you are looking for a typical Belgian Strong, pass on this beer.
