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Vanishing Point 01

Vanishing Point 01 Barrel Aged Imperial Stout by Innis & Gunn
Judges Ratings 
1 Review
19 / 24
35 / 40
6 / 6
10 / 10
Overall Impression:
15 / 20

Vanishing Point 01 is the first in a new series of bold barrel-aged beers, 01 is an imperial stout matured in first fill bourbon barrels for six months.  The resulting beer is big, rich and bursting with flavour with massive aromas of fresh ground coffee, dark chocolate, gorse, and a warming finish full of vanilla.

Beverage Profile
Extra Pale Ale, Chocolate, Brown Malt, Roasted Barley
Judges Review 
Michael Heniff's picture
Judges Rating:
19 / 24
6 / 6
35 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression:
15 / 20

Vanishing Point 01 by Innis & Gunn is a bourbon barrel-aged imperial stout and is being evaluated as a Wood-Aged Beer (2015 BJCP Style Guidelines category 33A). The best wood-aged beers have a solid base style that is well-complemented by the wood and spirits. The Vanishing Point series by Innis & Gunn will be "small batch Limited Editions that are bold and pioneering, pushing the boundaries of brewing". This first edition has been aged in bourbon barrels for six months. 

This Imperial Stout pours the expected opaque black color with a small tan head. The aroma is moderate roasted and caramel malts with rich dark and dried fruits of plums and prunes.  A hint of vanilla and tobacco are apparent.  The body is medium-full, lightly carbonated, and quite smooth. The flavor is rich roasted and caramel malts with dark fruits and hints of vanilla, tobacco and dark chocolate. The finish is lightly bitter with a light tannic astringency and a lingering roasted malt. This is a very pleasant, smooth, rich and deceptively strong (at 11% abv) British-style imperial stout. But, the wood-aging does not impart much character beyond a hint of vanilla and the bourbon is completely absent. Enjoy this beer as a very good British-style imperial stout but do not expect as much barrel and bourbon character as most other bourbon barrel-aged beers.  

Brewery Introduction

In 2002 our Founder and Master Brewer Dougal Gunn Sharp was asked to create a beer to mature in bourbon barrels to impart a sweet, malty flavour. This beer would then be thrown out, and the barrels would go on to age spirits. But Dougal had a brain wave; What if this was the start of something... Read More
