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Brian Eichhorn

Brian Eichhorn's picture
Beer, Mead & Cider Judge

Brian started diving into the world of craft beer in 2004, tracking all of the beers he tasted online, with notes. He picked up homebrewing in 2008 and began judging in 2010. Taking pride in the opportunity to give feedback to brewers of all sorts, he has progressed through the BJCP, attaining the rank of Master in 2013. He formerly acted as an Associate Exam Director for the BJCP, as well as an exam administrator and proctor, and presently holds the rank of Grand Master IV, as well as Mead judge. To him, the most important aspect of judging is to know your limits and learn how to recognize them and expand them. To achieve that end, Brian has judged in over 100 competitions in 12 states and counting, including the Great American Beer Festival, and visits innumerable breweries. He also helps organize a few competitions each year, including the role of judge coordinator for the Festival of Wood & Barrel-Aged Beer (which you may know as FoBAB), the largest of its kind in the world.


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My reviews

Pulp Theory Hazy IPA

Pulp Theory Hazy IPA

United States
Pulp Theory Hazy IPA, Odell Brewing

What happens when the art of brewing and science of fermentation collide? Eureka! You get a brilliant creation and call it Pulp Theory. This 7.5% Hazy IPA was created to accentuate bold hop flavors of ripe orange, pineapple juice, and fruit punch.

Beverage Profile
Fresh Grind Galaxy, Cashmere, Strata



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Judges Rating:
6 / 6
23 / 24
37 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

Pulp Theory Hazy IPA by Odell Brewing Co. is being judged as a 21b Specialty IPA, specifically a Juicy/Hazy IPA, per the BJCP 2015 Style Guidelines.

The pour is hazy, obviously, bordering on turbid with a pale gold and touch of orange and a creamy white head that persists. The nose is... Read More

