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Jim Koebel's picture

Double Duckpin

Judges Rating: 
24 / 24
5 / 6
37 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

As expected in a Double IPA, hops define this beer's aroma. They are fruity and vivid, with a predominant orange citrus character, some grapefruit, and light grassiness and resin. It pours a hazy, orange-copper color with a tall white head that lasts and sticks to the glass. Strongly hopped, this beer's flavor brings more orange and grapefruit that, combined with clean maltiness, grows juicier as it warms. An intense, flavorful bitterness seizes the mid-taste and continues into the finish along with hop resin and considerable warmth. This is a dangerously easy-drinking beer despite its fuller-than-ordinary body. In a crowded field where hops know no boundaries, this beer offers a distinctly fresh flavor that will have you reaching for a second before you know what hit you.
