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John C. Tull's picture

Crowdpleaser IPA

March, 2016
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
37 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

Mild citrus aromas (e.g., tangerine) fused with alcohol undertones are notable up front in the aroma. Some developed malt sweetness – hinting at caramel – lingers in the background. The color is goldish-orange, very bright, with a thin head of off-white bubbles. The flavor is dominated by hop bitterness backed by honey-like malt sweetness. The balance of the malts and hops matches well with the alcoholic warmth that follows through the finish. The hops have an herbal quality, almost minty, that comes through in the finish. A complexity of flavors and mouth sensations is built not from grains or hops, but the interplay between those ingredients. The body is medium with sufficient carbonation to lend a little carbonic bite. This is a well-made American IPA that would pair perfectly during dessert with a pear or other fruit tart, but it's also quite drinkable and enjoyable on its own.
