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John C. Tull's picture

Bourbon Barrel Buffalo Sweat

October, 2015
Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
5 / 6
37 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Chocolate nib aromatics with a light roast character and hints of hazelnut fill the nose. The color is very dark, almost opaque, like a cola soft drink. Very little head is present, but a thin ring of light brown bubbles hugs the edge of the glass and persists. The flavor is very much like the aroma: hints of chocolate, a light roasted malt character, and a touch of nuttiness. There is a balanced sweetness that is very much in line with the Sweet Stout base beer that carries through to the finish. Any wood character is nearly lost in the rich grain aromas and flavors, with only hints of vanilla towards the finish. The mouthfeel is somewhat light, but it is appropriate for this style. The carbonation is not overdone, and a slightly creamy and silky texture is perceived, more from the malt and specialty grains than the body itself. This all makes for a very enjoyable and very quaffable Sweet Stout that is not overburdened or overpowered by a dominance of whiskey-flavored oak like so many wood-aged beers.
