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Jason Johnson's picture

Wood Aged Kilt Lifter

August, 2015
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
5 / 6
37 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

This beer poured a mildly hazy light mahogany color with reddish highlights. A very low khaki-colored head with formed, then dissipated quickly. The beer's aroma was quite nice and typical of what I would expect in a barrel-aged Scotch Ale. I got some rich caramel malty tones, along with a fairly strong plum-like fruity ester profile. There was a bit of woody/vanilla oak, some alcohol and a touch of smoke. The flavor mirrored the complex aroma fairly closely, with some strong caramel malt and more vanilla and oak notes. There is also a mild butterscotch flavor. Some whiskey-like tones to the beer boost my perception of alcohol, but the beer has what appears to be a fairly strong alcoholic warmth, which makes it great for sipping on a cool evening. It feels a bit slick and smooth on the tongue, and is not quite as full bodied as I was expecting. All in all, this beer is a solid offering with just a bit more fruit than I typically think is acceptable for the style.
