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John C. Tull's picture


May, 2016
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
4 / 6
37 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

An earthy, somewhat resinous, woody aroma mingles with hints of medium-dark, toasty malts and some yeastiness in this beer. Light esters can also be found, although they are subtle and non-distinct. The color is medium amber, although clouded by significant yeast that apparently did not result from handling and pouring the beer. A light tan head floats on the top of the glass, reducing to a very thin layer that collects on the edge of the glass as time passes. The flavors consist of minty and woody hops with obvious, but not overpowering, hop bitterness accenting a firm and toasty malt flavor. The finish accentuates the hops with bitterness and a lingering, minty hop flavor coming to the fore. The mouthfeel is medium with well-balanced carbonation. This beer captures the essence of a California Common very well with rustic American hop flavors, good bitterness, and toasty malt flavors and subtle fruit esters. I would highly recommend this for its quality and as a good contrast for the more commonly known California Common beers.
