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Jason Johnson's picture

Wicked Sticky IPA

November, 2015
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
4 / 6
36 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

The beer pours a dark amber color with very good clarity. It may be a touch too dark for an IPA, but color is a very minor issue. The head was light tan, with loose, large bubbles that weren't long-lasting but never dissipated either. The malt aroma is of sweet malt, mostly bready caramel with a little bit of toast. The hops are very nice and bright, with lots of citrus and some pineapple-like secondary notes. There is a very noticeable alcohol aroma as well.  

The beer is initially a bit sweet, with lots of caramel and a little bit of toasty malt. The hop bitterness is in the medium range but the flavor is very well-pronounced. Again with a citrusy and pineapple-like quality, I really enjoyed the hop flavors of this beer. The alcohol seems considerably high for an IPA, though, almost pushing into the double IPA range. There is quite a bit of alcohol in the flavor and it's slightly boozy. I found this beer to be medium to full-bodied, fairly creamy, with its finish a bit too sweet for my taste. Overall, while I found the hop profile to be very pleasant, the high sweetness and high alcohol was a bit too much for a standard IPA.
