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John C. Tull's picture

Judge's Review: 92 Rating - PreFunk Pale Ale by Worthy Brewing Co.

June, 2018
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
5 / 6
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

PreFunk Pale Ale by Worthy Brewing Co. was judged as an American Pale Ale (18B). Aggressive hop aroma that is floral and earthy is backed by a bready, slightly sweet malt aroma. The malt sweetness has a slight caramel aroma. The beer is a pale copper with a fine, off-white head that lingers. There is also a very slight haze.The flavor is well-balanced between hops and malts, slightly edging towards hops flavor and bitterness. Hops are earthy with a nicely balanced bitterness that lingers. Malts are bready with a touch of sweetness and light caramel. A little fruitiness from the hops is also detectable. The mouthfeel is medium-bodied with moderately high carbonation. Overall, this is a great example of an American Pale Ale that displays the qualities of the style without blurring the lines between an APA and an IPA, which is too common in many “American Pale Ales” these days. As a solid representative of the style, I would recommend this beer for that reason, but also because this is a very well made and enjoyable beer.
