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Brian Eichhorn's picture

Judge's Review: 91 Rating - pFriem+Alesong by pFriem Family Brewers

January, 2021



pFriem+Alesong, pFriem Family Brewers

In collaboration with our friends at Alesong, we crafted a new twist on the classic Old Fashioned. Brewed with citrus zest and aromatic bitters, aged in bourbon barrels, this smooth, spicy ale is a perfect cool weather, cocktail hour companion.

Beverage Profile
Served at: 
45 - 50ºF
Simpsons Finest Maris Otter



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Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
5 / 6
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

pFriem+Alesong by pFriem Family Brewers is being judged as a 33B Specialty Wood-Aged Beer, as it is an experimental beer modeled after the famed "old fashioned" cocktail – aged in Bourbon Barrels with aromatic bitters and citrus zest. I'll leave it at that, as I don't believe the "underlying style" is pertinent to the experiment. In the glass, it is a deep bronze color with noted haziness (there is evidence of sediment in the bottle after the fact). The nose shows some distinct orange with nutmeg and dark cherry qualities as well. Along with this, I do pick up on some papery oxidation. Bourbon notes and maple syrup crop up as well. Interesting for sure, if a bit papery. On tasting, the old fashioned character is in full effect. I get the spicy aromatic bitters notes, reminiscent of a more exotic old fashioned than just angostura. The sweetness of the beer supports the bourbon notes and typical sugar addition of the cocktail, and the boozy elements accentuate the feeling of "cocktail" as well. This is a fun beer that bridges that gap between cocktail and brew and is one of the better examples of the old fashioned cocktail experience in beer form. Great stuff!
