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Judge's Review: 90 Rating - Daycation IPA by Highland Brewing Co.

July, 2018

Daycation IPA

Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
34 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Daycation IPA by Highland Brewing Co. was judged as a Specialty IPA, BJCP Category 21B (Session IPA).

Pine resin and pineapple dominate the aroma with just a hint of lemon coming through. Appropriately for the style, there is no malt character to be found. Clean fermentation. Fresh and inviting. This yellow beer is rather cloudy and topped with a big white meringue-like head. The flavor provides a pithy lemon rind character joined by the pine resin found in the aroma. The beer drinks like a tart, unsweetened lemonade. Moderately high levels of bitterness but not harsh. There is no malt character detected but you know the beer would be undrinkable without some malt hiding in there. This hop juice has a lingering tart dry finish. Light-bodied with a moderately high carbonation level that pricks the tongue a little but is not astringent.

Quintessential summer session ale. A total thirst quencher on a hot summer day. It could use some additional hop character, maybe some tropical fruit or other citrus, to add some interest and drinkability, but overall, this is a solid example of the style.
