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John C. Tull's picture

Judge's Review: 90 Rating - Abrikoos - 2022 by pFriem Family Brewers

December, 2022

Abrikoos - 2022

Abrikoos - 2022

United States
Abrikoos - 2022, pFriem Family Brewers

pFriem Abrikoos has been reimagined as a soft and subtle farmhouse ale. Aged for 10 months, before maturing on fresh juicy apricots from our friends at Gunkel Orchards, Abrikoos is a bright and spritzy ray of summer sunshine captured in a glass.

Beverage Profile
Served at: 
45 - 50ºF
Gambrinus Canadian Pilsner, Rahr Raw White Wheat
Aged Czech Saaz



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Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
6 / 6
37 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

Abrikoos - 2022 by pFriem Family Brewers was judged as a Specialty Wood-Aged Beer (33B BJCP 2021) with a base Fruit Beer (29A). Apricot notes are abundant providing a floral and fruity aroma that comes across as very fresh. Yeast notes are a little funky (perhaps some wild yeast from the wood barrel), which provide a nice balance to the fruit. Malt and hops are not obvious in the aroma with these other characteristics in play. The color is straw with some moderate haziness. A firm, off-white head lingers on the surface, piling up a little more on the glass edge. The flavor is distinctly fruity and acidic. It bears a resemblance to a Berliner weisse with some tartness, but more like a traditional version served with fruit syrup. In this case, the apricot seems to be contributing some of the sweet and tart qualities, though yeast may be a factor in the latter. The finish is somewhat minerally with a lingering mild acidity that is refreshing. The mouthfeel is medium-light, with a slight carbonic bite. Overall, this is a very enjoyable and satisfying fruited beer that delivers the subtlety of apricot with enough complexity from the yeast and wood aging to make this much more than a typical fruit beer.
