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Brian Eichhorn's picture

Judge's Review: 88 Rating - Chimay Dorée by Abbaye de Scourmont

November, 2019
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
35 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

An oddball beer that was given as a witbier, but with the option as a Trappist Single. Given that it's a Trappist beer and obviously a Belgian, Chimay Dorée by Abbaye de Scourmont was judged as a 26a-Trappist Single. It is worth noting that spicing is not typically appropriate in this style, per the guidelines.

The beer is a hazy golden color with a big white head. The nose is herbal and grassy with a citrus tinge and a suggestion of coriander. Almost a citron or yuzu note as well, along with fresh tart apple. White pepper and some classic spicy phenols round out with soft wheat. Fresh and fairly clean. I also get a hint of cola as well. On tasting, it is fairly one-dimensional. Very drinkable, but all the interesting aromatics in the nose disappear and leave a fairly hoppy and bitter, fresh grainy beer. Very drinkable, but not a ton of depth. High carbonation. I could see this being a table beer for the monks at the Abbey, but not a ton of interest outside of this novelty.
