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Brian Eichhorn's picture

Judge's Review: 70 Rating - Floating Dock Light IPA by 3 Daughters Brewing

May, 2018
Judges Rating: 
18 / 24
6 / 6
33 / 40
7 / 10
Overall Impression: 
6 / 20

Floating Dock Light IPA by 3 Daughters Brewing is being judged as a 21B Specialty IPA-Session Strength IPA. This beer pours a pale gold in the glass with hints of amber and a billow off-white head. The nose initially is a bit grassy and vegetal, light citrus notes and faint sweet malt. It seems to have some age on it, but I sampled this 3 times and I believe it to be the character of the beer. In the taste, the bitterness is sharp and aggressive, at times unpleasant. The hop flavor is quite light, tending towards lemon and grass, along with that vegetal note again. Really lacking in brightness and fresh hop flavor, as well as aroma. Very light body and somewhat astringent into the finish as well. This beer could use more fresh hop flavor and aroma to really nail the style, as it stands now, it's lacking, overly bitter and out of balance.
