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Susan Ruud's picture

Judge's Review: 63 Rating - Son of Malice IIPA by Heathen Brewing

December, 2018
Judges Rating: 
15 / 24
5 / 6
25 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
10 / 20

Son of Malice IIPA by Heathen Brewing was judged as a Double IPA (BJCP Cat. 22A) and had an upfront aroma of butterscotch followed by a low citrus and floral hop aroma. Malt was hard to detect behind butterscotch. It presented hazy with a light copper hue, huge off white head that had fine bubbles and left lacing on the glass. The flavor was a huge diacetyl bomb which overpowered the hops and malt. Finish was lingering bitterness. There was pleasant alcohol and a low lactic sourness. Medium bodied and a medium high carbonation. Unfortunately, I think this example either suffered in transit orsomehow picked up a lactic contamination during brewing, leaving a butterscotch (diacetyl) aroma and flavor that overpowered all other aspects. That's a shame, as the underlying elements would have worked well together if not for the flaws.
