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BC Review's picture

Georgia Brown

Judges Rating: 
20 / 24
6 / 6
36 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

This ale shows off a rich brown color with a frothy, tan head and good clarity, Bob noted. Owen added that subtle aroma notes of light fruit, caramel and restrained dark malt lead to a flavor profile marked by mild toastiness, caramel hints and brief encounters with cherry esters and other faint fruits. To Phil, hints of caramel, light chocolate, biscuit malt, earthy hops and esters reminiscent of ripe pear were present, and a fruitiness seemed to dominate the flavor profile, with a malt background and enough hop bitterness for balance. A slight nuttiness and low esters emerge as the beer warms, Chris added, and he also noted that the well-balanced, medium/light-bodied ale leans towards maltiness, with toast and caramel/toffee flavors backed by slight hop flavor and bitterness also present. Ed found in it a light, spicy, hop flavor with ample bitterness for the style and hints of toasted bread crust that add to the complexity. Lightly carbonated with a dry, hoppy finish, this beer comes in as a smooth, easy-drinking example of the style, Ed continued. Bob called it drinkable, if less than stunning, and very subtle in all respects, while Owen suggested that it would pair well with a sweet, nutty cheese such as Asiago.
