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Rick Franckhauser's picture

81 Rating: Le Roar Grrrz Framboise, Bullfrog Brewery

December, 2017
Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
5 / 6
31 / 40
7 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

Bullfrog Brewing, Le Roar, Oak Aged Framboise, was judged as a Fruit Lambic (with raspberries), category 23F.

Tart raspberries are the first thing to great you in the aroma. A moderate amount of tobacco follows. The impression of lactic sourness provides an expectation of things to come in the flavor. Then the barn door opens and you begin to get whiffs of wet hay and leather. There is a subtle ester of tart cherries. The beer pours a burnished rose color with highlights of copper. The big frothy white head drops out quickly to a wispy thin layer of tiny bubbles.

The flavor begins with the expected tart raspberries but this time they are quickly overtaken by the oak. The oak remains dominant but is joined by some hay and leather mid-way through. Lactic sourness finishes things up accompanied by a rather dry acidic finish. The oak character lingers on the palate long into the finish. The light body and high carbonation levels seem to assist in presenting a mouth puckering experience.

This is a decent Framboise in spite of being somewhat overly oaked. The domination of the oak too away from being able to appreciate the subtle complexities of the beer. The fruit and funk aspects were pleasant and nicely balanced but came across as subdued next to the oak.  
