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Nelson Crowle's picture

Twenty Five

December, 2015
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
37 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

This beer features lots of complexity in the aroma: cookie dough, vanilla, wood, slight caramel, slight chocolate, nuttiness, some roast, and a bit of orange all make an appearance. Its appearance is deep brown with a slight reddish tint, but very clear, and it also has a nice, light tan head of very fine bubbles that hangs around for a while, leaving a little Belgian lace. First taste is big sweet chocolate, black raisins, vanilla, and woody with a slight carbonic bite with an earthy finish where the chocolate and confectioner's sugar linger. A really nice creamy mouthfeel with substantial (but clean) alcohol warmth, and just a tad bit fizzy. This is a beer for a snifter –let it stay in the glass for a while to warm up since all of these flavors and aromas truly come out as the beer gets to 55 - 60 degrees. Get a few bottles, open one, and save the rest for months or years. This is a great dessert beer –a perfect accompaniment to cherry pie and vanilla ice cream.
