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Sour Monkey

October, 2016

Sour Monkey

Sour Monkey

United States
Victory Brewing Company, Sour Monkey

This electrifying transformation of our famed Golden Monkey may just blow your mind. Tastefully twisted to offer nuances of sweet fruit and a sharp tang of tartness, this exhilarating combination of flavors makes this brew a Monkey all its own. Respect the Monkey and Taste Victory!

Beverage Profile



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Judges Rating: 
24 / 24
6 / 6
30 / 40
6 / 10
Overall Impression: 
12 / 20

This beer pours golden straw colored with a light haziness clarity. A white fluffy thick head crowns it with average retention. It is light textured with medium sized bubbles rising to the top. The aroma is of moderately high honey, wine barrel room, with vanilla, and dry wood. Esters are high and pear-like fruity with tart red apples, quite possibly from the yeast and fermentation conditions.  There's also a Chardonnay buttery condition that seems interesting. The flavor is of a high malty, honey character with a funky ripe fruit character. The are no detectable hops in the flavor, yet the bitterness intertwines with the Brettanomyces character. This beer seems unbalanced and not in harmony, finishes semi-dry, like a cider and not like the Tripel base beer. The body is medium with a high carbonation and subtle alcohol warmth. There is a slight puckery/astringent quality from the cider-like notes mentioned. Overall a refreshing beer that overshadows the base beer. A tripel should be spicy, with a strong round malt flavor. This beer resembles more a cider than a Tripel, and the Brett character is not prominent enough to balance it.
