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Rick Franckhauser's picture

Upside Down Blonde

September, 2016
Judges Rating: 
20 / 24
6 / 6
32 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Grainy and sweet malt with notes of corn are taken over by spicy hops, which then dominate the aroma. Trace amounts of nectarine esters manage to sneak out in time. The creamy white head drops out rather quickly atop this bright straw-colored brew, but does leave a ring of foam and traces of lace. The Pilsner malt combines with the wheat malt to provide soft malt sweetness, which is then overtaken by the bitterness and spicy hop flavor. A faint touch of stone fruit and grassy hops appears in the medium-dry finish. The medium-light body with moderate carbonation is smooth but not creamy. Very approachable and enjoyablew with a clean fermentation that is almost lager like. As a Blonde Ale, I would say the balance of this beer is backwards. The bitterness and flavor hops are forward in the aroma and flavor, almost like a Czech Pilsner. Having said that, this is a very well made and enjoyable beer!
