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Judge's Review: 86 Rating - Cherry Brandy Barrel Aged Belgian Strong Dark Ale by pFriem Family Brewers

December, 2022

Cherry Brandy Barrel Aged Belgian Strong Dark

Cherry Brandy Barrel Aged Belgian Strong Dark

Cherry Brandy Barrel Aged Belgian Strong Dark, pFriem Family Brewers

Belgian tradition and Oregon brewing ingenuity do a little jig in cherry brandy barrels to deliver an alluringly complex beer, alive with layers and notes of dark fruit, chocolate, caramel and fig, a best-of-both-worlds brew that’s robust and oh-so-smooth.

Beverage Profile
Served at: 
45 - 50ºF
Pilsner, Pale Chocolate, Black Malt, Double Roasted Crystal
Tettnang, Perle



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Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
34 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

Cherry Brandy Barrel Aged Belgian Strong Dark Ale by pFriem Family Brewers was judged as Specialty Wood-Aged Beer (33B BJCP 2021) with a base Belgian Strong Dark Ale (26D) and Fruit Beer (29A). Rich pie cherry and whiskey barrel qualities dominate the aroma initially. The combination of vanilla, wood, cherry and distilled spirits gives it a quality of a wood-aged port. In addition to the cherry, other fruit aromas are detectable, including plum, fig and some other fruit esters. There is a rich, bready, dark malt aroma as well. Upon swirling in the glass, some higher alcohols release, sending a little alcoholic heat into the nostrils. The color is dark copper, mostly bright, with a tan, firm head that lingers. The flavor is similarly rich as was the aroma, though the alcohol from the barrel tends to dominate the beer itself. Before the palate becomes calibrated to the strength of this beer and the barrel influences, a fair amount of alcoholic heat, nuttiness and some other distractions carry the initial impression. Once that calibration to the strength of the beer settles in, the cherry comes through behind the nutty quality along with some vanilla from the barrel. The richer malts in the aroma also begin to express themselves as bready malt and other subtle darker malt flavors. The mouthfeel is full, and there is obvious heat from the alcohol. Overall, the barrel tends to take over from the beer itself leaving more of a brandy and barrel impression than that of a Belgian dark strong ale. It would be a great beer for capping off a special event or celebration as it would still stand out after a few rounds of beers, wines or cocktails have already been enjoyed.
