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John C. Tull's picture

Judge's Review: 88 Rating - Walk in the Parfait by Molly's Spirits

November, 2019
Judges Rating: 
20 / 24
4 / 6
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

Walk in the Parfait by Molly's Spirits​ was judged as a Wild Specialty Beer (28C). The aroma is a bit acrid, somewhat solvent-like initially, and altogether a little strange. A hint of berry fruit and pith is detectable. The appearance is cloudy and reddish, reminiscent of ruby red grapefruit juice. Some bubbles continue to rise through the liquid, but no head forms. In contrast to what the aroma might indicate, the flavor is quite fruity with sourness that is not at all harsh, quite rounded in fact. Raspberry is very noticeable making this a truly fruit-forward beer, and a citric acid quality is also present. Some of the pithiness that was in the aroma is also present in the flavor as a background element, perhaps a byproduct of raspberry seeds or some other addition. A fair amount of acidity is present, but the fruit takes the bite off of it. The combination of the fruit and acidity gives it a sweet grapefruit quality (again, a reminder of Ruby Red grapefruit). The body feels medium from the fruit, but there are no legs on the glass when it is swirled indicating a lighter body than the mouth perceives. The carbonation is fairly light. Overall, this is an interesting experiment with fruit and wild yeasts. Though the aroma was initially off-putting, the balance of flavors with a strong, fruit quality and a relatively subtle sourness were a pleasant surprise. If you like fruit beers, particularly raspberry, you should try this. If sour beers tend to put you off, this is a sour beer that might change your mind.
