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Tips for Pairing Cigars with Different Types of Beer

Learn the basic rules of pairing cigars and beers with this guide. Enjoy amazing pairings without breaking the bank, as quality cigars exist at affordable prices. Unleash your palate's potential and create top-notch pairings for any occasion.

Tips for Pairing Cigars with Different Types of Beer


Cigar characteristics: pointing your pairing in the right direction

You probably already know a thing or two about cigars, but do you know which of their characteristics could help you pick the best beer for a pairing?

- The color of the wrapper will be a big tipoff for the cigar’s overall intensity. The darker the wrapper, the more it’s been aged – and the more full-flavored it’s likely to be.

- The origin of the filler tobacco also plays a part. Nicaraguan tobaccos are known for their zesty aromas, often marked by peppery flavors. Then there are Dominican tobaccos, which are typically creamy and mild. Honduran tobaccos commonly have notes of coffee, cherry or citrus. The filler tobacco used in a cigar could tell you beforehand which flavors it’s likely to have, making it easier to match it to the right beer.

- The size and shape of the cigar will affect the intensity and flavor. In general, the narrower the cigar, the more concentrated the smoke. Larger cigars, on the other hand, tend to have stronger flavors. It’s important that the cigar doesn’t overpower the beer (and vice versa), so that’s something to look out for as well.

Depending on the cigar you get, you may also notice that the flavor profile evolves as you smoke it. It’s fairly common for aficionados to describe the changing aromas for each of the beginning, middle and end of the cigar. This isn’t necessarily crucial to identify for each cigar before you pair it with a great beer, but it can add to the experience as the cigar changes and highlights different aspects of the beer.

The basics of pairing cigars and beer

As you start exploring potential pairings, remember that the best pairings are the ones that are most appealing to you. Maybe your favorite flavor combinations don’t do it for other people, but you’re the one calling the shots here.

- In general, the quality of the cigar should match that of the beer (more or less). For example, pairing a low-grade cigar with a small-batch artisanal beer probably wouldn’t make much sense. Even if the flavors worked well on paper, it would be clear that the cigar really wasn’t pulling its weight.

- Speaking of matching, it can be helpful to match the colors of both the cigar and the beer. In both cases, a darker color usually means greater intensity, while a lighter color indicates a milder product. If you want them both to be equally matched, use this as a rule of thumb when putting together a new pairing.

- It can be fun to try really niche cigars or beer, but these products might be harder to pair flavor-wise. Instead, start with more predictable cigars or beer, and then branch out from there.

Choosing the best cigar or beer for your next pairing

When pairing cigars with beer, a lot of people start out already having one half of the pairing nailed down. They have an excellent cigar that they want to enjoy with the perfect craft beer, or they want to take their favorite beer up a notch with an amazing cigar. Even if they already have a starting point, though, they’ll still have to find the other half of the pairing.

Just to get you started, here are some recommendations for specific beers that go well with certain types of cigars:

  • Lagers, blonde ales and pilsners pair best with mild cigars.
  • IPAs and pale ales pair well with mild- to medium-bodied cigars. (Heavily hopped beers in general would do best with a medium-bodied cigar as well.)
  • Barrel-aged beers like porters or stouts require darker, more full-bodied cigars.

If there’s a local cigar shop you could visit, that could prove to be a great resource for pairing tips. It’s pretty common to pair cigars with alcohol; if the employees know everything about the cigars they sell, they may also know which ones would go best with specific beers.

You don’t have to break the bank for an amazing pairing

When it comes to cigars, it’s easy to think that the more they cost, the more you’ll enjoy them. After all, doesn’t the price indicate the quality of the cigar? Yes, but the pricier cigars also tend to be more complex and nuanced – and sometimes less approachable. Experienced aficionados would appreciate them, but casual cigar smokers may feel like they didn’t get what they paid for. Fortunately, it’s possible to find quality cigars that cost between $2 and $15; just make sure you’re getting them from a cigar retailer, not a gas station!

Perhaps most importantly of all, don’t be afraid to experiment. Some pairings will be better than others, but this is all about discovery – not everything you discover will necessarily be as amazing as you’d hoped. The more you become familiar with the complexities of each cigar or beer, the better you’ll be able to put together top-notch pairings for any occasion.

