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I'll Have What She's Having

United States
Photo unavailable
Judges Ratings 
1 Review
23 / 24
37 / 40
6 / 6
7 / 10
Overall Impression:
15 / 20

This limited-release, strong, dark beer is something only possible from the minds at Evil Genius. A rich, creamy, over-the-top stout layered with flavors of roasted barley, molasses, chocolate, caramel, and hazelnut. Not too heavy on the palate, and with a surprisingly dry finish, this sturdy yet drinkable stout is perfect for the winter months. Note: Evil Genius is not responsible for any inappropriate orgasmic outbursts after drinking this beer.

Beverage Profile
Tettnang, Warrior
Two Row, Black, Roasted Barley, Crystal
Judges Review 
Dan Martich's picture
Judges Rating:
23 / 24
6 / 6
37 / 40
7 / 10
Overall Impression:
15 / 20

I’ll Have What She’s Having by Evil Genius Beer Co. is being evaluated as a Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer (Category 30A) from the 2015 BJCP guidelines.  

Jet black and opaque. The dark tan head was thick and moussy with long retention. Lacy as the head clings to the side of the glass.    

Moderate milk chocolate and roasted malt, vanilla and hazelnut. Sweet malt. Very mild earthy hops detected. 

Full on dark roast coffee with vanilla and hazelnut notes. The alcohol flavor comes through as big and bold, as a reminder of the strength of the style. The hops aren’t as prevalent and are hard to detect with these full flavors. The balanced is toward the malt and added flavors. A  chocolaty dry finish is long with a long dark chocolate bitterness aftertaste.   

Full bodied with a medium high carbonation. Astringent from the dark/roasted malts, with plenty of alcoholic warmth that is felt down the throat. Lacks the velvety texture of the base style.

A big beer that drinks well, but can become better with smoothness and balance. The alcoholic notes are higher than expected and the bitterness seems to dry out the palate some. Perhaps oats in the mash and a lower fermentation temp to keep the fusel alcohols lower may help round out the mouthfeel. Lowering the carbonation can also help smooth the mouthfeel. I believe that with those few tweaks this beer can go from good to excellent.

Brewery Introduction

An Evil Genius lives here.
